Celebrate! We’ve passed the $1 million mark by more than $600,000!

$1,629,723 Raised
• Five hundred forty-six donors are now
• Our Dollar-a-Day campaign finished
larger than ever.
• Harford Christian Educational Foundation
(HCEF) voted to give a $30,000.00 grant to Vision21


Vision21 Appeal

Vision 21 is a vision for the 21st Century to provide new facilities for Harford Christian School. Enrollment has exploded, and construction of a classroom building is urgent.


Together, With God as Our Provider

Since 1966 Harford Christian School has provided the highest quality Christian education with a biblical worldview, free from secular influences, to thousands of students. Today, we are officially presenting our vision for the 21st century, Vision 21 Together, to meet the need of reaching many more students who will go on to serve God, their families and their communities with dignity and integrity in the 21st century. Now, new facilities are needed. Necessary site preparations are complete and have been paid in full. Preliminary projected cost is $8 million. Architects are now working, and so must we. How will this be accomplished?

It will be accomplished by God’s supply through His people! One of God’s names is Jehovah-Jireh. It means the Lord will provide. With a mere word or thought, God can place a finished building on this site. But the One who created everything out of nothing is pleased to grant His people the privilege of participation with Him. He can do it without us, but He chooses to do it through us. Privilege indeed!

Join with others who are making a difference, and help us meet this pressing need.


Download our summer  newsletter to learn more!




Please consider donating to this worthy mission!


Friends Luncheons

Throughout the year, we will be holding Friends Luncheons throughout the year.  Let us show you what we are doing for our youth. The day will begin in chapel, then visit classrooms and end the day with a delightful lunch.  Dates are to be announced. Click here to access our brochure.  You may register using the form below.


Once again we are thankful to God for a wonderful, successful, and fun-filled evening for our Vision21 Extravaganza 2, Baldwin’s Bull Ride. Thanks to everyone who organized, manned, and attended this special event! We are excited for the future of HCS as God provides for our new building!

We are so thankful to God for a wonderful, successful, and fun-filled evening for our Vision21 Extravaganza! A huge thank you to everyone who organized, sponsored, and attended this special event! We are excited for the future of HCS as God provides for our new building!