Support Eagles Connect
Your sponsorship by gift-in-kind contributions is so very important to us. We also appreciate your financial support and generosity and have created EAGLE SPONSORSHIP levels that will acknowledge in a special way your commitment to furthering Harford Christian School education. Your tax-deductible gifts to the EAGLES CONNECT Campaign 2014 will be recognized by the following sponsorship levels and appear in our end-of-year EAGLES CONNECT newsletter as our way of thanking you for your faithful and sacrificial giving.
Other Ways to Help
Harford Christian Educational Foundation (HCEF) is an endowment fund that supports the teaching ministry of HCS. Each spring, the HCEF board awards a grant to the school. These funds are spent on any portion of the operating budget. As a result of your faithful and generous giving, HCEF awarded a grant of $20,000 to HCS last year. We ask that you prayerfully consider donating a gift to HCEF to help fund a grant for the 2013-2014 academic year.
Vision21 is an ambitious multiphased HCS undertaking to forecast the educational aims and build the campus of the 21st century for future investments in the lives of young people desiring a solid Christian education. The completely updated and renovated campus will offer state-of-the-art classrooms for primary, secondary and special education; well-equipped laboratories for computer science, biological and physical sciences; studios and rehearsal rooms for musical instruction, and an auditorium for performing arts. We have completed Phases 1 and 2 and are excited to begin Phase 3. Your gift will help us move forward into the 21st century with our vision.
So many exciting things are happening at HCS from building improvements to technological advancements and many supporters choose our Vision21 “Dollar-A-Day” program by pledging a dollar a day. Your gift helps support the many worthy endeavors for the campus and makes a difference in our students’ lives. The Dollar-A-Day program has been a remarkable source of support to us.
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