Art Instruction
Harford Christian offers instruction beginning with the fundamentals of art, building up to the development of skills for students who are serious about developing their artistic talents.
Art I focuses on the seven elements of art, as well as basic drawing. Other units include calligraphy, acrylic painting, clay, watercolor, and printmaking. As well as learning basic techniques of various mediums, we also learn about the Masters in a featured Artist of the Month. Another important part of this course is doing Art Evaluations, in which the students learn to analyze and critique a work of art. Sketchbook assignments will be given each quarter to give the opportunity for independent practice. Art I will lay a good foundation for future art classes as students discover and uncover their talents!
Art II expands upon skills learned in Art I. The Principles of Design will also be emphasized. Students have the opportunity to build their portfolio and develop more skills in the areas of drawing, sculpture, calligraphy, pastels, painting, and more. In addition to learning about an Artist of the Month and evaluating works of art, Art II students also begin to develop their personal art file. Sketchbook assignments are given each quarter to provide continuing opportunity for independent practice.
Advanced Art is for students who have completed Art I and Art II and who desire to seriously develop their artistic talents. This course will highlight the Elements of Art and Principles of Design as it relates to their personal artwork. There will be units of study in drawing, painting, sculpture, and printmaking as well as the flexibility to pursue areas of art that are of personal interest to each student. In addition to the Artist of the Month, Art Evaluations, and sketchbook assignments, Advanced Art students will continue to develop their art file and build their portfolio.